How to Use
yarn add @xchainjs/xchain-thorchain-query
Peer Dependencies
You can visit the xchain-thorchain-query package repository to get the updated peer dependencies by looking at the "peerDependencies" object in the "package.json" file.
yarn install
yarn test
import { AssetBTC, AssetBCH} from '@xchainjs/xchain-util';
import { assetToBase,assetAmount, assetFromString, AssetRuneNative } from '@xchainjs/xchain-util';
import { EstimateSwapParams, ThorchainQuery, ThorchainCache, Midgard, Thornode, CryptoAmount, TxDetails} from "@xchainjs/xchain-thorchain-query"
Estimate a Single Swap
// Instantiate a new ThorchainQuery class with api's
const thorchainCache = new ThorchainCache()
// Estimate a swap from USDC to RUNE
// Create asset from string
const assetUSDC = assetFromString('ETH.USDC-0XA0B86991C6218B36C1D19D4A2E9EB0CE3606EB48')
const estimateSwapUSDC = async () => {
const swapParams: EstimateSwapParams = {
input: new CryptoAmount(assetToBase(assetAmount(1000, 6)), assetUSDC),
destinationAsset: AssetRuneNative,
destinationAddress: 'xxx',
const estimate = await thorchainQuery.estimateSwap(swapParams)
printTx(estimate, swapParams.input)
// Output
memo: '=:THOR.RUNE:xxx:60998441999',
expiry: 2022-09-22T13:05:18.228Z,
toAddress: '0xd4a4b93bccf726c0ee1b8e1e90db064488115513',
txEstimate: {
input: '$ 1,000',
totalFees: {
inboundFee: 'ᚱ 1.68221325',
swapFee: 'ᚱ 0.21331135',
outboundFee: 'ᚱ 0.06',
affiliateFee: 'ᚱ 0'
slipPercentage: '0.00034954305877530201',
netOutput: 'ᚱ 609.98441924',
netOutputDecimals: 8,
waitTimeSeconds: '19',
canSwap: true,
errors: []
// Estimate a swap from BUSD to RUNE
// Create asset from string
const BUSD = assetFromString('BNB.BUSD-BD1')
const estimateSwapBUSD = async () => {
const swapParams: EstimateSwapParams = {
input: new CryptoAmount(assetToBase(assetAmount(1000)), BUSD),
destinationAsset: AssetRuneNative,
destinationAddress: 'xxx',
const estimate = await thorchainQuery.estimateSwap(swapParams)
printTx(estimate, swapParams.input)
// Output
memo: '=:THOR.RUNE:xxx:61154162999',
expiry: 2022-09-22T13:05:26.012Z,
toAddress: 'bnb13fjncau2d3sw9nrvtpg67mh80gulu25v5msznc',
txEstimate: {
input: '$ 1,000',
totalFees: {
inboundFee: 'ᚱ 0.0186437',
swapFee: 'ᚱ 0.0800726',
outboundFee: 'ᚱ 0.06',
affiliateFee: 'ᚱ 0'
slipPercentage: '0.000130905668121087',
netOutput: 'ᚱ 611.54162023',
netOutputDecimals: 8,
waitTimeSeconds: '12',
canSwap: true,
errors: []
Estimate a Double Swap
// Double swap from BTC to BCH
const estimateSwapRune = async () => {
const swapParams: EstimateSwapParams = {
input: new CryptoAmount(assetToBase(assetAmount(100)), AssetRuneNative),
destinationAsset: AssetBCH,
destinationAddress: 'xxx',
const estimate = await thorchainQuery.estimateSwap(swapParams)
printTx(estimate, swapParams.input)
// Output
memo: '=:BCH.BCH:xxx:15572427999',
expiry: 2022-09-22T13:05:28.189Z,
toAddress: 'bc1q3fjncau2d3sw9nrvtpg67mh80gulu25vq939km',
txEstimate: {
input: '₿ 1',
totalFees: {
inboundFee: 'ᚱ 1.53203258',
swapFee: 'ᚱ 336.09753821',
outboundFee: 'ᚱ 0.61193361',
affiliateFee: 'ᚱ 0'
slipPercentage: '0.02938441004579457528',
netOutput: '155.72427296 BCH',
netOutputDecimals: 8,
waitTimeSeconds: '4920',
canSwap: true,
errors: []
Last updated