How to Use


Install @xchainjs/xchain-crypto from npm

yarn add @xchainjs/xchain-crypto



yarn build


yarn test


Generate New Phrases and Encrypt

By default, it will generate a 12-word phrase. Create a new phrase using generatePhrase() Check phrase validity using validatePhrase() Encrypt to keystore using encryptToKeyStore() > takes two arguements (phrase, password)\

// Imports
import { generatePhrase, validatePhrase, encryptToKeyStore, decryptFromKeystore } from "@xchainjs/xchain-crypto"


const keystore1 = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('keystore.json', 'utf8'))
const password = process.env.PASSWORD

// Generate Keystore and save it to a keystore file
const GenerateKeystore = async () => {
    const phrase = generatePhrase()
    console.log(`phrase ${phrase}`)
    const isCorrect = validatePhrase(phrase) //validate phrase if needed returns Boolean
    console.log(`Phrase valid?: ${isCorrect}`)
    const keystore = await encryptToKeyStore(phrase, password)
    fs.writeFileSync(`./keystore.json`, JSON.stringify(keystore, null, 4), 'utf8')

Decrypt Keystore to Retrieve a Phrase

Retrieve the phrase by calling decryptFromKeystore()\

const connectWallet = async () => {
    let phrase = await decryptFromKeystore(keystore1, password)
    console.log(`Phrase: ${phrase}`)

Retrieve Seed

Retrieve phrase by calling decryptFromKeystore()

import { decryptFromKeystore, getSeed } from '@xchainjs/xchain-crypto'

const connectWallet = async () => {
    let phrase = await decryptFromKeystore(keystore1, password)
    console.log(`Phrase: ${phrase}`)

Keystore Type

type Keystore = {
  crypto: {
    cipher: string
    ciphertext: string
    cipherparams: {
      iv: string
    kdf: string
    kdfparams: {
      prf: string
      dklen: number
      salt: string
      c: number
    mac: string
  id: string
  version: number
  meta: string
encryptToKeyStore(phrase: string, password: string): Promise<Keystore>


// Crypto Constants for xchain
const cipher = 'aes-128-ctr'
const kdf = 'pbkdf2'
const prf = 'hmac-sha256'
const dklen = 32
const c = 262144
const hashFunction = 'sha256'
const meta = 'xchain-keystore'

Last updated