How to Use


yarn add @xchainjs/xchain-thorchain-amm

Peer Dependencies

You can visit the xchain-thorchain-amm package repository to get the updated peer dependencies by looking at the "peerDependencies" object in the "package.json" file.


Swap from BNB -> RUNE

// Imports
import { AssetRuneNative, } from '@xchainjs/xchain-util'
import { assetAmount, assetFromString, assetToBase, Chain  } from '@xchainjs/xchain-util'
import { CryptoAmount, EstimateSwapParams, Wallet, Midgard, SwapEstimate, ThorchainAMM } from '@xchainjs/xchain-thorchain-amm'
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'

// Swap from BUSD to RUNE
const doSwap = async () => {
  let phrase = "phrase"
  const mainnetWallet = new Wallet(Network.Mainnet, phrase|| 'you forgot to set the phrase')
  const swapParams = {
    input: new CryptoAmount(assetToBase(assetAmount(1)), BUSD),
    destinationAsset: AssetRuneNative,
    destinationAddress: mainnetWallet.clients[Chain.THORChain].getAddress(),
    slipLimit: new BigNumber(0.03),
  try {
    const outPutCanSwap = await thorchainQueryMainnet.estimateSwap(estimateSwapParams)
    if (outPutCanSwap.txEstimate.canSwap) {
      const output = await mainetThorchainAmm.doSwap(mainnetWallet, estimateSwapParams)
      console.log(`Tx hash: ${output.hash},\n Tx url: ${output.url}\n WaitTime: ${output.waitTimeSeconds}`)
  } catch (error: any) {
  memo: '=:THOR.RUNE:xxx:53281999',
  expiry: 2022-09-22T13:14:10.941Z,
  toAddress: 'bnb13fjncau2d3sw9nrvtpg67mh80gulu25v5msznc',
  txEstimate: {
    input: '$ 1',
    totalFees: {
      inboundFee: 'ᚱ 0.01863509',
      swapFee: 'ᚱ 0.00000008',
      outboundFee: 'ᚱ 0.06',
      affiliateFee: 'ᚱ 0'
    slipPercentage: '0.00000012685928643813',
    netOutput: 'ᚱ 0.53281571',
    netOutputDecimals: 8,
    waitTimeSeconds: '12',
    canSwap: true,
    errors: []
Tx hash: "Hash will be here",
Tx url: "URL will be here"

Last updated