How to Use


You can install MAYAChain AMM package using yarn

yarn add @xchainjs/xchain-mayachain-amm

or using npm

npm install @xchainjs/xchain-mayachain-amm


Using Mayachain AMM, you can initialize the main class of the module in consultation mode if you do not provide any parameters, this means you could retrieve information from the protocol, but you will not be able to make actions the protocol needs you to sign.

  import { MayachainAMM } from '@xchainjs/xchain-mayachain-amm'

  const mayachainAmm = new MayachainAMM()

Otherwise, if you want to be able make actions the protocol needs you to sign, you will need to initialize the main class of the protocol as follows

  import { MayachainAMM } from '@xchainjs/xchain-mayachain-amm'
  import { MayachainQuery } from '@xchainjs/xchain-mayachain-query'
  import { Wallet } from '@xchainjs/xchain-wallet'

  const mayaChainQuery = new MayachainQuery()
  const wallet = new Wallet({
    // Your XChainJS clients
  const mayachainAmm = new MayachainAMM(mayaChainQuery, wallet)

Last updated