How to Use


yarn add @xchainjs/xchain-thorchain

Peer Dependencies

You can visit the xchain-thorchain package repository to get the updated peer dependencies by looking at the "peerDependencies" object in the "package.json" file.


yarn install
yarn test


Connect wallet to new Thor Client

Create a new thorchain client The client has two different sets of parameters XchainClientParams & ThorchainClientParams ThorchainClient includes chainIds. getChainIds() returns all chain id's for default Client Url. The network default is Mainnet

// Imports 
import { Client, getChainIds, getDefaultClientUrl} from '@xchainjs/xchain-thorchain'
import { assetToBase, baseToAsset, assetAmount } from "@xchainjs/xchain-util"

// Create new instance of the client and query chain for balances. 
const connectWallet = async () => {

    let phrase = "phrase"
    const thorClient = new Client({phrase})
    let address = thorClient.getAddress()
    console.log(`Address: ${address}`)
    try {
        const balance = await thorClient.getBalance(address)
        let assetAmount = (baseToAsset(balance[0].amount)).amount()
        console.log(`With balance: ${assetAmount}`)
    } catch (error) {
        console.log(`Caught ${error}`)

Transfer Rune using Thor Client

Create a new Thorchain client instance Convert amount to transfer to base amount Build transaction.

import { assetToBase, baseToAsset, assetAmount } from "@xchainjs/xchain-util"
const transferRune = async () => {

    let phrase = "phrase"
    const thorClient = new Client({phrase})
    let amountToTransfer = 0.1
    let amount = assetToBase(assetAmount(amountToTransfer, DECIMAL ))
    let recipient = "thor1cf4dsll8rema8y3xvvsn2t786xrkhp3d679qxh" 
    try {
        const txid = await thorClient.transfer({
            "amount": amount,
            "recipient": recipient,
            "memo": "test",
            "asset": AssetRuneNative,
            "walletIndex": 0 
        console.log(`Transaction sent: ${JSON.stringify(txid)}`)
    } catch (error) {
        console.log(`Caught ${error}`)

Get Transaction Data & Transaction History

Retrieve transaction data using transaction hash and address

const transactionData = async () => {
    let phrase = "phrase"
    const thorClient = new Client({phrase})
    let hash = "insert hash"
    let address = thorClient.getAddress()
    try {
        const txData = await thorClient.getTransactionData(hash, address)
        console.log(`From ${JSON.stringify(txData)}`)
    } catch (error) {
        console.log(`Caught ${error}`)
// By default getTransactions() returns the transactions for the current address
const transactionHistory = async () => {

    let phrase = "phrase"
    const thorClient = new Client({phrase})
    try {
        const txHistory = await thorClient.getTransactions() 
        console.log(`Found ${}`)
        txHistory.txs.forEach(tx => console.log(tx.hash))
    } catch (error) {
        console.log(`Caught ${error}`)

Get Transfer Fees

Thorchain runs on a fee type of Flatfee set to 0.02 rune

// Returns Fees Fast: 0.02 Fastest: 0.02 Average: 0.02
const fee = async () => {

    let phrase = "phrase"
    const thorClient = new Client({phrase})
    try {
        const {fast, fastest, average} = await thorClient.getFees()
        console.log(`Fees Fast: ${baseToAsset(fast).amount()} Fastest: ${baseToAsset(fastest).amount()} Average: ${baseToAsset(average).amount()}`)
    } catch (error) {
        console.log(`Caught ${error}`)

Get Network and Explorer Data

// Query thorchain client for network data and explorer data

const explorerUrl = async () => {

    let phrase = "phrase"
    const thorClient = new Client({phrase})
    let hash = "insert hash"
    try {
        const networkData = thorClient.getExplorerUrl()
        console.log(`Explorer url: ${networkData}`)
        const transactionUrl = thorClient.getExplorerTxUrl(hash)
        console.log(`Explorer transaction: ${transactionUrl}`)

    } catch (error) {
        console.log(`Caught ${error}`)

Last updated