
This section for the XChain Litecoin library provides developers with a detailed understanding of the operational workflow and underlying mechanisms of the library. It outlines the steps involved in utilizing the library's features and functionalities to interact effectively with the Litecoin blockchain network.

Third-Party Library

It communicates with Bitcoin by using bitcoinjs-lib

Client URL

  • Mainnet: https://sochain.com/api/v2

  • Testnet: https://sochain.com/api/v2

Explorer URL

Address Generation

It supports the BIP44 path derivations.

By default, the index is 0. - 84'/2'/0'/0/0 for mainnet, 84'/1'/0'/0/0 for testnet

Blockchain-specific functions

Additional Functions to Get Fee Information

  • getFeesWithRates

  • getFeesWithMemo

  • getFeeRates

type FeeRate = number
type FeeRates = Record<FeeOptionKey, FeeRate>
type FeesWithRates = { rates: FeeRates; fees: Fees }

getFeesWithRates(memo?: string): Promise<FeesWithRates>
getFeesWithMemo(memo: string): Promise<Fees>
getFeeRates(): Promise<FeeRates>

You can check the functions available in this client from the following link xchain-docs

Last updated