How to Use


yarn add @xchainjs/xchain-litecoin

Peer Dependencies

You can visit the xchain-litecoin package repository to get the updated peer dependencies by looking at the "devDependencies" object in the "package.json" file.


yarn install
yarn test


Connect Wallet to New Litecoin Client

Create a new instance of Litecoin Client Retrieve and validate an address Check the balance of assets at the address The network default is Mainnet

import { Client } from "@xchainjs/xchain-litecoin"

// Connect wallet and retrieve address and balance of assets on address
const connectWallet =async () => {
    let phrase = "phrase"
    const ltcClient = new Client({network: Network.Mainnet, phrase})
    let address = ltcClient.getAddress()
    let isValid = ltcClient.validateAddress(address)
    if( isValid === true ){
        try {
            const balance = await ltcClient.getBalance(address)
            let assetAmount = (baseToAsset(balance[0].amount)).amount()
            console.log(`With balance: ${assetAmount}`)
        } catch (error) {
            console.log(`Caught: ${error}`)

Transfer Litecoin Using Litecoin Client Instance

The default fee rate is 1

import { Client, LTC_DECIMAL } from "@xchainjs/xchain-litecoin"
import { assetToBase, baseToAsset, assetAmount } from "@xchainjs/xchain-util"

// Create new ltc Client and call transfer function
// Check what txParams are needed
const transferlitecoin = async () => {
    let amountToTransfer = 0.01
    let recipient = "insert recipient"
    let phrase = "phrase"
    const ltcClient = new Client({ phrase})
    let amount = assetToBase(assetAmount(amountToTransfer, LTC_DECIMAL))
    console.log("Building transaction")
    try {
        const txid = await ltcClient.transfer({
            "amount": amount,
            "recipient": recipient,
            "memo": "memo"         
        console.log(`Transaction sent: ${txid}`)
        const transactionUrl = await ltcClient.getExplorerTxUrl(txid) // returns url for tx
        console.log(`Transaction url: ${transactionUrl}`)
    } catch (error) {
        console.log(`Caught: ${error}`)

Last updated